A one-day sensitisation to create awareness among women, especially those who are usually abused by their male counter parts had been carried at the Madina Market on Friday, December 2, 2022. It is reported that nearly 1 in 3 women have been abused in their lifetime. Also, among the victims, only one in 10 women will go to the police for help.
To create the needed awareness in our various communities, on this phenomenon, the United Nations has set 16 days from 25th of November to 10th December each year for advocacy against gender-based violence.
The theme for this year’s celebration is “Ending Femicide” to commemorate the period. Action Aid Ghana in collaboration with Domestic Violence and Victim Support Unit, Department of Social Welfare, Madina and Activist Greater Accra; a youth network of activist sought to carry out sensitization at the Madina market on Gender Based Violence.
Some of the concerns raised by the women included where to report issues of violence and the process involved, most especially on issues of defilement and rape. They also had questions on how to handle cases of house helps who are disrespectful.
A representative from the Department of Social Welfare and Community Development, Mr. Francis Ghartey took the opportunity to aside of campaigning on/against gender-based violence, also informed the market women on the mandate of social welfare and the need to freely utilize its services.